Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mobile Learning and Location-based Learning

Leslie Rule gave a great presentation about how technology is constantly changing and how students and instructors can utilize it. Last semester, Leslie gave a workshop on Digital Storytelling in one of the classes that I took - ITEC 800. Now her presentation had a new main focus – Mobile Technology. It seems that she is encouraging us, ITEC students, to go out there, with our mobile devices (i.e. iPhones) to produce media and informational materials. She also emphasized that interactivity should be in our minds. The main point that I am trying to make is that she is now encouraging us to be outdoors and interacting with people, instead of producing content indoors only. From what I understood, she was pointing out that with “old style” Digital Storytelling there was a tendency of people that were producing these types of stories, to be indoors and somewhat isolated.

She mentioned how technology is becoming more mobile oriented. More powerful phones and PDAs are available now and their popularity is rising. People traveling, kids and teachers on field trips can now explore and produce a lot of content from their mobile devices. GPS technology is one of the main features that make all this revolution possible. As one is out and about, Google Maps (available in several phones) can guide to find details about different locations. Many links like wiki documents, blogs, websites, photos and videos (and other content sites) are attached to Google Maps. Many phones are also capable to deliver content directly from a remote location. And ... do you know what else you can do with phones with mapping technology? You can also find a pizza place close to you.

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