Thursday, November 20, 2008

STORYTELLING - A Collaborative Work

For me this was one of the best project that I participated in this class. It was really great to use a wiki tool (Wetpaint) to create collectevily this story. When we were working on this project, I couldn’t wait to see where our story was going. I was always excited to write the parts that I wrote. In the presentation, Melissa gave us a great reading of our story. I hope you guys enjoying getting to know the characters of this story.

Below you will find the link to wetpaint, and part of the text that is on my group's wiki site.
ITEC 830 STORY --->

The members of the story team are:

Melissa Taylor-Salvador
Henrique Cordeiro
Daniel Dworkin
Walter Hanley

We moodled around with several concepts including a brief history of ITEC before deciding to collaboratively write a story and to use a wiki page as the collaborative tool. The idea was triggered by a couple of things: a few words Professor Foreman spoke during the 30th October class meeting during which she emphasized collaboration, and a game with of unknown origin in which writers take turns plotting the elements of a story.

We wrote instructions for ourselves---rules of the game---which you will find on the next page. The subpage following the rules contains the story to date. We have never discussed the genre, characters, plot---never discussed anything about the story. We only agreed to write one.
We believe we have captured more than one of Pink's Six Senses; certainly Story is present, but so, too, are Design, Symphony and Play---perhaps even Meaning, if we don't take ourselves too seriously.


Melissa, Henry, Dan, Walter

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