Title: Create Your Own e-Learning Site Using Moodle
* Topic
Introduction to designing a website that uses a course management system - Moodle.
* Primary audience
Teachers at universities, colleges and schools.
* Secondary audience
Students and workers of universities, colleges and schools.
* Instructional and/or learning problem(s) you are trying to solve
One example: a lot of times during a semester/quarter, teachers see themselves repeating a lot of information that could be posted somewhere. Lack of communication can also be a problem for students and teachers.
* Instructional and/or learning goals
The learning goal of the guide is to intruct teachers (and other users) to use Moodle as an online tool that will help them to organize course material and improve communication in and out of the classroom.
* The methods to reach the stated goals (mention which technologies you are going to use to create learning environment to achieve the state goals. Explain why the technologies you choice are the best to meet your goals.
The delivery method for this tutorial will be a website that showcases a course management system - Moodle. I will use a wiki and blog. Both parts of the website that uses these 2 web 2.0 tools will offer the possibility for the user to interact to with the designer of tutorial.
* How would you determine that the stated goals are met (brainstorm how you would assess the goals, you will not have time to really do it)
I will ask my classmates and the teacher of this class to give me some feedback; in doing so, I will be able to correct and/or improve the effectiveness of the tutorial.
Introduction to designing a website that uses a course management system - Moodle.
* Primary audience
Teachers at universities, colleges and schools.
* Secondary audience
Students and workers of universities, colleges and schools.
* Instructional and/or learning problem(s) you are trying to solve
One example: a lot of times during a semester/quarter, teachers see themselves repeating a lot of information that could be posted somewhere. Lack of communication can also be a problem for students and teachers.
* Instructional and/or learning goals
The learning goal of the guide is to intruct teachers (and other users) to use Moodle as an online tool that will help them to organize course material and improve communication in and out of the classroom.
* The methods to reach the stated goals (mention which technologies you are going to use to create learning environment to achieve the state goals. Explain why the technologies you choice are the best to meet your goals.
The delivery method for this tutorial will be a website that showcases a course management system - Moodle. I will use a wiki and blog. Both parts of the website that uses these 2 web 2.0 tools will offer the possibility for the user to interact to with the designer of tutorial.
* How would you determine that the stated goals are met (brainstorm how you would assess the goals, you will not have time to really do it)
I will ask my classmates and the teacher of this class to give me some feedback; in doing so, I will be able to correct and/or improve the effectiveness of the tutorial.